360 Branding


Multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning artist, Zac Brown is not only innovative in the realm of music but also is a pioneer of vertical integration for the Artist. Our team was there every step of the way, being a part of the Zac Brown Collective we supported one of the country's top touring acts Zac Brown Band with creative and marketing for almost 8 years. We wove each new brand and partnership into the artist's ecosystem with a visually stunning style coupled with rich storytelling that connected with fans the world over. Our team specializes in developing from concept all the way through production, whether it be a moving creative campaign, a cherished piece of show merchandise or launching an Artist centric brand – all are elevated by the talent and passion of our team.

“They’re an incredible team who are dedicated to pushing the work to another level for me and my fans.” –Zac Brown





Digital Marketing